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Snapper Jack the Crocodile

Snapper Jack the Crocodile


  Angela Hope

  Copyright 1995 by Angela Hope

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  Snapper Jack was a happy crocodile lying on a muddy bank in Swamp Island. He had eaten a tasty meal of fish and closed his eyes for a well deserved rest not having a care in the world.

  His sleep was interrupted by the sound of a motor boat heading in his direction. It came to a stop and two men climbed out carrying a big rope and a sack.

  Snapper Jack watched their every move.

  Out of the sack they pulled some fresh meat. The smell of it was almost too much for Jack to bear. He hadn’t eaten meat for a while because he couldn’t be bothered to chase the wild pigs or rabbits that were on the island. He made do with fish, not that there were many left in the murky waters.

  The men returned to their boat leaving the meat unattended.

  In no time at all Jack grabbed a large piece of fresh meat in his jaws. As he did so, a net fell on top of him. He was trapped unable to move.

  It wasn’t long before the two men returned. One of them threw himself on Jacks back placing a blindfold over his eyes. When the blindfold was finally removed, Jack couldn’t focus properly. He closed his eyes tightly opening them slowly to adjust to the light.

  He was surrounded by people. Feeling threatened he leapt forward frightening everyone so much they all stepped back a few paces.

  A piece of meat was thrown at Jack and landed at the edge of the water.

  “Water!” he thought grabbing the chicken in his jaws making a hasty retreat.

  He splashed unceremoniously into the water and swallowed the chicken. Staying under until curiosity finally became too much for him. He needed to know what was going on. His eyes slowly came out of the water and he looked around.

  “Hello! Who are you?” asked a voice from behind.

  “Good Grief!” said Jack. “You scared me half to death.”

  Jack found himself looking into the very pretty eyes of a female crocodile.

  “I’m called Snapper Jack. Who are you?”

  “My name is Lazy Susie. We heard a rumour that you may be coming here. The keepers have been talking of rescuing a crocodile from Swamp Island.”

  Jack started to blush, “Keepers! What are Keepers?”

  “They are the people that throw us meat; we don’t have to do any work for it.”

  “I think they should be called “Silly people,” said Jack showing off. “Watch and you will see what I mean.”

  Jack leapt out of the water, snapping his huge teeth as he chased one of the keepers away and went back into the water laughing.

  “Now do you see how silly they are? They think I’m going to eat them. I’m only playing, I wouldn’t hurt anybody.”

  Lazy Susie wasn’t at all impressed. “Don’t tell that to the other Crocs, they wouldn’t understand. They have a reputation to think of and you must be the only crocodile in the world that doesn’t eat people.” she said. Snapper Jack needed to be by himself for a while, he had some thinking to do.

  “Where can I go to be by myself?” he asked.

  “You could try the middle of the water.” said Susie. “Most of the crocs are asleep on the bank.”

  Snapper Jack swam off feeling embarrassed and hoping to be alone but he came face to face with another crocodile.

  “Hello! Your new here aren’t you? I’m called Sizzer. I was only expecting one croc from Swamp Island not two!”

  Jack looked around “There is only me!”

  “Who’s your friend?” asked Sizzer.

  Jack looked around again but couldn’t see any other crocodiles nearby. Then he noticed Sizzer’s eyes. Sizzer had been born with both eyes looking at the centre of his nose and he could only see in double vision. That made his life very confusing. He wanted to find himself a lady, but they always went around in pairs and he didn’t know which one to choose. He had no idea his eyes were causing the problems. Feeding time was wonderful; there was twice the amount of fresh meat.

  “If you’ll excuse me Sizzer, I don’t feel like talking right now. I am looking for a quiet place to think.”

  “Think! What is there to think about?” said Sizzer swimming slowly away. “If you don’t feel like talking why have you got your friend with you? Answer me that if you can!” he went off muttering to himself.

  Alone at last Snapper Jack wondered if he was different from other crocodiles. It had never crossed his mind before.

  That night when all of the people had gone home, Jack heard a splash in the water and went to investigate.

  In the light of the moon he could see the shape of a swan but as he approached his way was blocked. The swan was surrounded by crocodiles all licking their lips.

  “What are you doing?” asked Jack. It was Sizzer that answered. “There are two swans on our water they will make a lovely snack.”

  “You can’t do that!” said Jack getting cross. “You’ve all eaten well today haven’t you? Why pick on a defenseless swan? What harm has it done you?”

  All of the crocodiles looked at Jack in disbelief and started laughing.

  Snapper Jack didn’t wait for a reply, he charged at each one of them snapping his large jaws and frightening them away.

  All but one!

  “You don’t frighten me!” said Toska the biggest crocodile Jack had ever seen.

  Jack knew he had to stand up to this bully so instead of snapping he swung his tail so fast that it hit Toska right in the mouth loosening his front tooth.

  Toska backed away.

  The swan had lost her way and landed in the water exhausted from her flight. She was afraid for her life but was much too weak to fly away.

  While the crocodiles had been fighting, she had regained enough strength to lift herself into the air and safety.

  Jack returned to the bank alone.

  Two keepers walked past flashing their torch lights and Jack heard them talking.

  “It’s another quiet night tonight Bert!” “Yep! It sure is. Nothing much happens on our shift George!” If only they knew!


  Snapper Jack settled in well. He was now friends with all of the crocodiles. Toska had forgiven him for loosening his tooth. Lazy Susie swam around in circles chasing her tail and Sizzer was thinking “There’s far too many crocs living here!”

  Jack was happy most of the time but today he was feeling restless and needed to be alone. He plodded up the muddy bank making his way through the thick shrubbery until he came across a fox hole that led to the other side of the fence. The hole was rather small but Jack had a plan. He would come back later to see if his plan would work.

  Just as it was getting dark, Jack rolled in some thick slimy mud hoping to be slippery enough to go through the fox hole. He squelched his way through the trees looking around to make sure he wasn’t being followed.

  When he reached the hole he stuck his long nose into the opening. He managed to push his head and neck in but it was a very tight fit. The mud was starting to dry and he wasn’t as slippery as he had hoped.

  “I had better wait until this hole gets bigger,” he said to himself. But as he tried to pull his head out he realized he was stuck. He stayed very still for a moment. He could see rabbits jumping, possums waking from their days sleep and the occasional mouse scurrying to and fro.

  “This is a nice place.” He said to himself. “It’s so peaceful and there isn’t a soul around to impose on my thoughts.” Jack closed his eyes and fell asleep.

  A kookaburra started to laugh and Jack woke up suddenly realizing it was getting lighter. He tried to move, but, couldn’t go one way or the other.

  He stopped struggling for a moment as he hear
d the two keepers approaching.

  “It’s been another quiet night Bert!”

  “Yep! It sure has George.”

  They were very surprised to see Snapper Jacks nose sticking out from under the fence.

  It took them a long time to set Jack free. They had to tie his mouth up to stop him snapping.

  Back in the water Jack was nursing a sore nose.

  “I might try again tomorrow,” he said to himself.


  Summer had arrived and the sun was smiling down on the park. Lazy Susie had laid her first nest of eggs and guarded them closely.

  Snapper Jack was sleeping dreaming of the days he had spent alone. He didn’t like his dreams anymore he was happy with his friends and no longer yearned to be by himself.

  He could hear the sound of voices and opened one eye. The keepers were standing at Lazy Suzie’s nest. It was unusual for her to leave her eggs unattended.

  “She must be in the water!” thought Jack listening to what the men were saying.

  “We must hurry and take these eggs before Suzie comes back.” They whispered.

  Snapper Jack was furious, he darted forward snapping his jaws dangerously.

  The keepers ran for safety with a bag full of eggs.

  Jack returned to the nest and only one egg remained.

  Suzie hadn’t been gone long and when she returned Jack told her what had happened.

  Her eyes filled with tears as she stared at her one remaining egg. Jack felt dreadful he had never seen real crocodile tears before.

  The keepers had taken the eggs to make sure that they survived, but Lazy Suzie didn’t know that.

  A few weeks later her egg started to hatch. A beautiful baby crocodile took its first breath of air.

  One by one the crocodiles lined up to have a peep at the baby.

  Toska was the first in line. “He’s a fine looking chap Suzie, what are you going to name him?”

  “I’m not sure yet.” she replied shyly.

  The next visitor was Sizzer. “My word what a lovely set of twins,” he said.

  Lazy Susie didn’t bother to tell him there was just one baby crocodile.

  Snapper Jack was next. “You must be very proud Susie. We must make sure the keepers don’t see him.”

  That afternoon as Snapper Jack lay sleeping on the bank a small bob tailed lizard walked into the crocodile’s enclosure and fell asleep next to Jack.

  When Jack woke up and walked towards the water the lizard followed.

  “Dad!” called the lizard. “Dad, wait for me!”

  Jack turned around to see where the voice was coming from. The lizard caught up and breathlessly asked, “Are you my dad?”

  “No I’m not!” said Jack.

  “But you look like my dad!”

  “I’m sorry son but I’m not your dad, I’m a crocodile.”

  “So am I!” said the little lizard.

  That gave Jack a brilliant idea. He walked towards Lazy Susie’s nest and the lizard followed. Jack whispered to Susie and she agreed it was a brilliant idea.

  When the keepers arrived to feed the crocodiles, Lazy Susie told her baby to stay in the nest and walked toward the keepers with the lizard at her side.

  The keepers couldn’t believe their eyes. “Look George! There’s a bob tailed lizard in the enclosure. Lazy Susie must think it’s one of her babies. I’m surprised it hasn’t been eaten or drowned.”

  They threw some dead chickens for the crocodiles to eat and walked away laughing.

  Susie rushed back to her baby leaving the lizard to follow Snapper Jack wherever he went.

  Later that day, Susie and her baby ventured from the nest and the lizard hurried to join them. “Is he my brother mum?”

  Susie laughed. “No dear you are a lizard. We are crocodiles.”

  At that moment Sizzer walked past. “It’s a lovely day Susie. My word two sets of twins. They all look just like you.”

  That was all Lazy Susie needed, now she’ll never get rid of the lizard.

  She walked down the bank and slipped into the water with her baby swimming happily at her side. The lizard had followed believing he was born to swim.

  Toska was close by and acted quickly. He picked up the drowning lizard in his big jaws and placed him back on the bank.

  “Thanks dad!” said the little lizard fighting for his breath.

  “I’m not your dad.” said Toska. “You are a lizard I am a crocodile.”

  Snapper Jack had heard the conversation and came to make sure everything was alright. He felt sorry for the wet muddy lizard.

  Jack took him up the bank to the fence. “You must have come in this way. If you want to find your mum and dad you should go back out the way you came in.”

  “I’ll try.” said the bewildered lizard, and he went in search of his family.

  One hour later, Sizzer waddled up to Lazy Susie. “Look who I’ve found! Your twins were lost. You really must watch them more carefully you know!”

  “Hello Mummy! I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” said the bob tailed lizard.